Monday, January 11, 2016

Stock photo earth from space

Earth /ˈɜrθ/ (also the world[n 5], in GreekΓαῖα Gaia,[n 6] or in LatinTerra[26]) is the third planet from the Sun, the densestplanet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical objectknown to harbor life. The earliest undisputed life on Earth arose at least 3.5 billion years ago. Earlier physical evidence of life includes graphite, a biogenic substance, in 3.7 billion-year-old metasedimentary rocks discovered in southwesternGreenland, as well as, "remains of biotic life" found in 4.1 billion-year-old rocks in Western Australia.[27][28] Earth'sbiodiversity has expanded continually except when interrupted by mass extinctions.[29] Although scholars estimate that over 99 percent of all species of life (over five billion)[30] that ever lived on Earth are extinct,[31][32] there are still an estimated 10–14 million extant species,[33][34] of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.[35] Over 7.3 billion humans[36] live on Earth and depend on its biosphere and minerals for theirsurvival. Earth's human population is divided among about two hundred sovereign states which interact throughdiplomacy, conflict, travel, trade and communication media.

EarthFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Earth our Planet, our mother earth is so magnificant, the beautiness of the universe

Stock photo earth from space

Stock photo earth from space

Stock photo earth from space

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